Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2007

Wien in 3/4

Long time no Post, I will try to fill the void now.
I was in Vienna last weekend, to visit Irina, who makes practica there. My journey started on Friday in a funyn way: there was a big hurricane over Europe(evil globa warming) and many flights from Frankfurt were averted. So we decided to drink with Samuil and Bojana until 3 AM, thinking it is possible I won't be able to fly. I checked in Internet to see that I will fly, and had to leave home at 7 am, for the 9am flight, after 3 hours. But if one feels good lost sleep matters less. It was a nice weekend, with culture, museums, and drinking of Schnaps with the natives of Vienna, listening to gipsy music. I met Doris, a nice goa-girl from Vienna. She has been this summer in the big trance festival in Rodopi mountains in BG and she was really excited about it and loves Bulgaria. We got drunk with her, listening to Gipsy music that she brought! Vienna really is an east-west crossroad, where the slavic, german and even turkish influences mix. The most obvious architectural style is the pompous baroque of the Habsburgs and the whole city is a bit snobbish with its culture, opera and balls. I visited the museum of Modern Art, MUMOK, which had some nice things, but the bottommost floor was full of images too perverse and ugly and evil even for me, avoid at all costs :-) I enjoyed much more Heironymos Bosch and The Last Judgement Tryptich at the fine arts academy, which is a depiction of hell's tortures, but it feels like fantasy, unlike the horrors of MUMOK, which are all too real.

The images from my journey are here. Especially for it I bought a new kodak v705 camera. It is quite nice, with 7 megapixels and wide angle lens, it is also small and compact, and I got it at bargain price of 169 euro, instead of 300! Still, i am a tragic photographer, I really shpud practice more to get better pictures. Right now I gotta be lucky to make good shots, somehow i don'T have an eye for details and so.

I am in a study mode now. I have an exam in Visual Analytics on 08.02, i gotta finish my SIGIR paper by 28th, I have to do some more work for my Diploma, I have to work in Fraunhofer, and besides this, I have plans for cooperation and open source programs with Martin, and some art interactive project with Andy, WEB 2.0 rulezz!
I got inspired by this enhancement, which generates a desktop form the album covers you hear. It is still a bit unpractical for desktop, icons become difficult to distinguish, but is cool, a desktop with content customized by the users musical preferences, downloaded by RSS. Web 2.0 at its finest :-)

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