Check out what I have done in my free time the last several weeks. is a cool web 2.0 site with amazing amount of information. I have written an applet that browses visually the database in the form of a graph.
I am working now with Andie, a friend of mine and young artist from FH, on a way to make cool posters from the information extracted from there. What I find cool about this is that the image content is customized to the indivisual user: if you are a hip hop fen you will see your favorite afroamerican artists, if you are into electrnic you will see the weird art of electrnic arists, etc. You may either start from your profile, if you have one, like me, or from any artist you like, and then go on exploring.
If you have any suggestions write them down, I guess I will be updating this pretty often. Andie and I are full of ideas, like making the graph an online radio, connecting to other social networks, etc.
I also need a better server, so I can disclose the project on the forums and handle the thousands (hopefully :-) ) of enthusiastic fans flocking to my site.